Xi Switzerland: EU needs to be careful


President Xi Jinping arrived in Switzerland on Sunday for his first state visit to the country and his first meeting of the World Economic Forum, a major annual gathering of global political and corporate leaders.
As part of his state visit, Xi will have a formal meeting with Leuthard and they will jointly attend a signing ceremony for cooperative agreements and meet the press, according to Vice-Foreign Minister Li Baodong.
The agreements include free trade, energy, culture, sports and customs, and they are evidence of the shared commitment to “championing a global trade system of openness and inclusiveness“, Li said at a news briefing on Wednesday.

This is the second time in a few weeks that China takes steps to build closer relationship with European non-EU members. After re-establishing links with Norway a few days ago, this week we should pay attention to Xi announcement with Switzerland, trade deals, investments…Switzerland has what China wants. I will be discussing this on Tuesday afternoon 5:30 Italian time on Rainews24.


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