GT: You have visited Xinjiang many times. Based on your observations, can you tell us about the differences between what you saw in Xinjiang and the region in Western narratives? Why is the Western perception of Xinjiang full of lies and smears?
Geraci: I’ve been there a few times and I’ve talked to both members of the government and to common people. I have traveled around the region accompanied by officials, as it is normal given my role, but a lot more by myself and very freely, taking trains and taxis even close to the border with Pakistan. And I’ve noticed there is nothing different than other parts of China. The region has good development opportunities, especially in the fields of local food, green energy, wind and solar. It has the same economic and social potential as my home region in Italy, Sicily. Hence my strong interest in fostering closer cooperation.
I tell you the truth, if I hadn’t read the news, it would be impossible to feel that there is something different in Xinjiang than the rest of China. My sense is that the accusations of genocide are not true. The punishments on some individuals do not seem to be related to their ethnicity, or religion. Why should they? No one of the more critical analysts that I have spoken to has managed to answer this question satisfactorily. I believe the punishments are because people break the law. We know that the law in China is very strict, especially when general crime and political criticism coincide and some foreigners may not like it. But it has nothing to do with genocide or ad hoc targeting of certain minorities. Why should Uygurs be singled out in this campaign, while other minorities are not?
Xinjiang is a border region and border regions always face problems in many countries around the world. But I want to be clear: I have seen nothing that suggests that there are targeted measures against ethnic or religious group per se.
Why is the Western perception of Xinjiang so negative? When you have geopolitical frictions between countries, like the US and China have, you always try to pick on problems. It’s part of the narrative that some governments need to sell to their domestic audience. You need to do that for electoral reasons to create an external enemy that you want to fight so that the leader can be the hero who defeats the monster. I want to be honest: I am not even 100 percent sure that some Western leaders care really about the livelihoods of Uygurs, just like they don’t really care about those of Ukrainians. They are just fracture points in geopolitical games and innocent people are used as pawns.
GT: China and Europe have differences on human rights issues. To what extent will this affect China-EU relations? How do you see the EU following in the US footsteps to point fingers at China over human rights issues?
Geraci: I think many countries around the world have human rights issues in their own countries, some bigger than others. My answer is never to point fingers at others. I prefer to focus on the problems of my own country as we, too, have human rights problems in the West of a different type: we have freedom of speech, but we also have crime and violence especially toward women that go unpunished for political reasons or because some governments do not put the needed amount of resources into it. Children should have the right to go to school without fears of being shot dead just because the gun industry has strong lobbyists. So before addressing other countries’ problems, we need to solve our own.
We cannot preach what we do not practice. It’s fine that the issues are raised and that the West asks China about human rights. But it should be a question, not an answer. It should be used to bring the issues up, not used as accusation. The paradox is that we always say that our juridical system is more advanced than that of China and we are proud of the separation between juridical and legislative systems: well then, let’s have a court of justices issue sentences, not random members of parliaments or governments, let alone researchers or journalists…..

Communist Soviet Russia created CCP in 1921. CCP created China on 1 October 1949. Mandarin language is the language of Manchu-Eastern Turk elites. Mandarin is not Fictional Chinese language. In fact in real world there is no such thing “Chinese ethnic group, Chinese DNA, Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese medicine, Chinese …”. CCP paid Foreign criminals and CCP propaganda agents have Created Fictional China’s civilization/Fictional Chinese civilization since 1950s. CCP paid Foreign criminals are members of China’s disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide in war criminal China’s army unlawfully occupied Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur Nation.
CCP, Xi Jinping and all members of CCP central committee must face Nuremburg Style Justice and Execution for China’s Uyghur Genocide, Tibetan Genocide, Manchurian Genocide, Southern Mongolian Genocide, Yellow Uyghur Gansu Genocide, Kazakh Aksay Genocide and extermination of ethnic minorities.
In fact The world’s biggest single issue in 2022 is China’s Uyghur Genocide in war criminal China’s army unlawfully occupied Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur Nation.
From 1996 we have worked in China as Foreign Experts for Chinese government for over 20 years. We lived in Chinese government provided places in Beijing, Shenyang, Urumqi, Kashgar, Lhasa, Xi’an, Chongqing, etc.
We are masters of Chinese language. We are experts of China. We travelled all over China.
Again We travelled all over Chinese army unlawfully occupied Ten Countries : Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria, Yellow Uyghur Karasu (aka Gansu after 1952), Kazakh Aksay, Koknoor (aka Qinghai after 1952), Ningxia Hui Republic, Guangxi Zhuang Region, Yunnan, Cantonia.
China’s Uyghur Genocide is going on in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation. Because East Turkestan is very rich in all kinds of natural resources, naturally very diverse and vast. Chinese wanted to totally exterminate Uyghur Nation and Chinese wanted to take over Eastern Turkestan from Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Uyghurs DO NOT LIVE IN CHINA in East Asia. Uyghurs live in own Natural Territory Eastern Turkestan in Central Asia.
Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur Nation is not “Xinjiang” of China. Uyghur Nation is not “Ethnic minority of China “. Uyghur Nation is not “Chinese Muslims “. Uyghur Nation has nothing to do with Han-Chinese and China.
China is a country in far East of Asia. East Turkestan is a country in Central Asia.
The world’s second biggest Gobi Desert has totally isolated East Turkestan in Far West and China in Far East of Asia.
East Turkestan has nothing to do with Han-Chinese. Han-Chinese do not belong to Uyghur East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia.
Size of Uyghur East Turkestan is bigger than the combination of Europe’s biggest Four Countries Germany, France, Britain and Italy.
East Turkestan is the world’s biggest producer of rare earth materials, uranium, Jade, gold, silver, cotton, tomatoes, garlic, silk, cashmere, green raisins, Grapes, wool, leather, meat, marble, etc.
East Turkestan is one of the world’s biggest producer of coal, salt, petrol, natural gas, mika, and many other wealth.
Uyghur Nation was the Riches Nation in the world before China’s illegal invasion into Eastern Turkestan on 20 October 1949.
China has been robbing Trillions of US dollars of energy, food, raw materials, uranium, rare earth materials, Jade, gold, fresh bottled water, fresh bottled air, Uyghur Organs, Uyghur blood, Uyghur flesh, and many goods from Chinese army unlawfully occupied Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Poor China, over 1.4 Billion hungry Chinese and millions of junk factories in China cannot survive without Robbing the natural resources extremely rich, naturally very diverse and vast Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation.
Since late 2016 China unlawfully cut off all telephone connections, Internet connections, postal services and travel for all Uyghurs in between Uyghur East Turkestan and rest of the world.
Now China has kicked out all foreigners from East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation and China DO NOT ISSUE VISA FOR FOREIGNERS TO TRAVEL TO EASTERN TURKESTAN.
China do not let foreigners with China’s Visa to travel to East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Han-Chinese state agents under strict surveillance.
Only China paid foreign criminals with Han-Chinese together go to East Turkestan to make propaganda videos for Chinese government to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide. Even China paid foreign criminals cannot travel to Eastern Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Han-Chinese state agents under strict surveillance. All pictures and videos are officially controlled by Chinese government officials. All “HAPPY UYGHUR VIDEOS ” on YouTube are “Made in China” by Chinese state security agents with China paid foreign criminals.
Even Han-Chinese citizens of China cannot freely travel around Eastern Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Strict SURVELANCE by China’s Security agents. They are not allowed to freely make videos and they cannot post videos on any media without agreement with the China’s state security agents.
China’s disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide are going on in all countries.
China do not let any Uyghur from Eastern Turkestan freely travel to China.
China do not let any Uyghur from Eastern Turkestan to travel to any other country.
China do not let any Uyghur escape from East Turkestan to other countries. Many Uyghurs are shot dead on the way escape from East Turkestan to other countries. Uyghurs cannot be refugees.
China do not let foreigner talk to Uyghurs without Han-Chinese state security agents in Chinese army unlawfully occupied Eastern Turkestan.
All “HAPPY UYGHUR VIDEOS ” on YouTube are made by Chinese state security agents with China paid foreign criminals. All “HAPPY UYGHUR ” videos on YouTube are officially controlled by Chinese state security agents before upload on YouTube.
Many China paid Foreign criminals are members of China’s disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide, Tibetan Genocide, Manchurian Genocide, Southern Mongolian Genocide, Yellow Uyghur Gansu Genocide, Kazakh Aksay Genocide.
Strict SURVELANCE and strict Family planning are only applied to Uyghur Nation in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan. Chinese illegal invaders have no family planning in East Turkestan.
Criminal Chinese government and China paid foreign criminals are producing disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide, China’s Uyghur Organ Harvesting, China’s Uyghur Concentration mass murder camps, China’s crime against humanity, China’s war crime, China’s erase Uyghur Nation in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur Nation.
In fact Han-Chinese do not belong to Eastern Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria, Yellow Uyghur Karasu (aka Gansu), Koknoor (aka Qinghai), Kazakh Aksay.
All terrorists are 100 Percent Han-Chinese terrorists in China unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur-Turk Nation, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Manchuria.
Why is over 90 years old Uyghurs locked up in “China’s Uyghur Re-education camps ” in Chinese army unlawfully occupied EastTurkestan of Uyghur Nation ?
Why is tiny Uyghur infants locked up in ” China’s Uyghur Re-education camps ” in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur Nation ?
Why is no single Han-Chinese Terrorist locked up in “China’s Uyghur Re-education camps ” ?
Why is war criminal China Tested 46 Nuclear Bombs on Defenceless Uyghur Civilians in Chinese army unlawfully occupied East Turkestan of Uyghur Nation?
Why is China’s Uyghur Forced Sterilisation, Forced Abortion and Organ Harvesting industry booming?
Why is China do not let any Uyghur from Uyghur East Turkestan freely travel to China ?
Why is China do not let any Uyghur from Uyghur East Turkestan to travel to any other country?
WHY is China do not let any Uyghur from other countries to go to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with their parents, relatives and family?.
Why is China do not issue Tourist Visa for foreigner to travel to East Turkestan from 2017 ?
Why is China do net let any Professional Journalist from Any Democratic Country to go to Uyghur East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without pre-set up stage under strict surveillance under Han-Chinese state agents?
Why is China spent over $30 billion US dollars to The department of propaganda of CCP to produce disinformation campaign Worldwide to cover up China’s Uyghur Genocide?
Why is China do not let UN officials to go to East Turkestan to meet up with Uyghurs without Han-Chinese state agents under pre-set up stage?
China has exterminated all Uyghurs who has spoken with foreign tourists in Eastern Turkestan in the past.
Why is China do not let Uyghurs access Internet, smart phone, international phone call and postal services? .
China’s Uyghur Genocide is going on in Chinese army unlawfully occupied Eastern Turkestan of Uyghur Nation. No foreigner can talk to any Uyghur without Han-Chinese state security agents.
Boycott China’s Uyghur Genocide, Tibetan Genocide. Boycott “Made in China ”
CCP Chinese from China are Masters of deception, cheat, lie, spy, steal, hack, copy,
troll, murder, deny, again lie.
Independence and Self Governing for Eastern Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Yellow Uyghur Gansu, Taiwan and Hong Kong