Lezioni di Intelligenza Artificiale da Lee Kai-fu


Geraci legge AI di Lee Kai-fu

Dopo aver parlato con Lee Kai-Fu al New Economy Forum di Beijing, niente di meglio che passare un sabato pomeriggio al leggere il suo libro sull’Intelligenza Artificiale. Dopo poche pagine, si comprende che è un MUST READ per chi volesse capire di più su questo nuovo fenomeno tecnologico e sulla differenza nell’approccio tra Stati Uniti e Cina.

Due paragrafi che voglio immediatamente riportare qua:

  1. Rule-Based vs Neural Network Approach: Sistemi basati su regole e Sistemi basati su reti neuronali.
  2. Drivers di innovazione in America e Drivers di innovazione in Cina.

Rule Based vs Neural Network:

Researchers in the rule-based camps attempted to teach computers to think by encoding a series of logical rules, if X then Y. This approach worked well for simple and well defined games but fell apart when the universe of possible choices or moves expanded. To make the software more applicable to real world problems, the rule-based camp tried interviewing experts in the problems being tackled and then coding the wisdom into the program decision making, hence the name expert system.

The neural network camp however took a different approach. instead of trying to teach the computer the rules that had been mastered by a human brain this practitioners tried to reconstruct the human brain itself. Given that the tangled webs of neurons in animal brains were the only thing capable of intelligence as we know it, these researchers figured they’d go straight to the source. This approach mimics the brains underlying architecture constructing layers of artificial neurons that can receive and transmit information in a structure again to our networks of biological neurons.

Driver di innovazione in America e Driver di Innovazione in Cina

Start apps that grow in the United States tend to be mission drivenThey start with the novel idea or idealistic goal and they build a company around that. Company mission statements are clean and lofty detached from earthly concerns or financial motivations.

In stark contrast, China’s startup culture is the yin to Silicon Valley’s yang: instead of being mission driven, Chinese companies are first and foremost market driven. Their ultimate goal is to make money and they’re willing to create any product, adopt any model or go into any business that will accomplish that objective. That mentality leads to incredible flexibility in business models and execution: a perfect distillation of the lean startup model often praised in the Silicon Valley. It does not matter where an idea came from or who came up with it; all that matters is whether you can execute it to make a financial profit. The core motivation for China’s market driven entrepreneurs is not fame glory or changing the world; those things are all nice side the benefits, but the grand prize is getting rich, and it does not matter how you get there


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